They also prevent passengers from jumping or falling onto the line, but this was a secondary benefit, and not the reason for their installation.
It was added to prevent passengers from being dragged under the car's wheels.
New rules for preventing drivers and passengers from being thrown from their car or truck during an accident.
This resulted in the platforms being separated by railings to prevent passengers and staff falling off one onto the other.
It has also formed a panel to study whether the doors need further changes to prevent passengers from being caught and dragged.
There is also no way to prevent passengers or crew who may be in the early stages of an illness from boarding ships.
Some of its doors had reportedly been bolted shut, preventing passengers trapped inside from escaping.
To prevent crushing passengers, the group said, the bodies and roofs of the vehicles should be reinforced.
A centerline fence prevents passengers from running across the four rails.
A hedge was planted along the running line edge to prevent passengers approaching the line.