But there was nothing to prevent a person working for the palace from running his own business.
Sample: "No one has a right to prevent a person from being useful."
"I understand that conditions in a will which prevent a person from marrying can be set aside."
Yet we do have to keep increasing the pressure to prevent vulnerable persons being left out in the cold.
Immunization is a way of preventing a person from getting a disease.
"It could prevent a person from functioning properly in a dangerous situation."
But the good news is there's no need for asthma to prevent a person living a full and enjoyable life.
Professional rivalries often prevent a single person being the means by which services to meet individual needs are facilitated.
Some do not have a roof, providing just the barrier necessary to prevent persons outside from seeing in.
One purpose is to prevent a person from avoiding paying estate tax by giving away all his or her assets before death.