Another proposed rule would prevent prosecutors from bringing a case if a hospital has a compliance program that meets Federal guidelines.
She said the agreements, first reported by The Atlanta Constitution, only prevented prosecutors from taking information from the executives, and using it against them.
The judge tried to prevent prosecutors from asking for a five-year sentence and, in a highly questionable move, called the Justice Department to complain.
The department has recently tightened its procedures to prevent prosecutors from undermining the work of the State Department and intelligence agencies.
It would, however, prevent prosecutors from using that testimony against them in criminal proceedings.
The restrictions would be designed to prevent former prosecutors from using knowledge and skills acquired in Government service to the advantage of criminals.
The signed accord refers only to the 13 works and will not prevent prosecutors from opening an investigation in the future, should questions arise about other artifacts.
The same rule also prevents prosecutors from commenting about the postarrest silence of suspects who invoke their Miranda rights immediately after arrest.
But Judge Coleman's pretrial ruling prevented prosecutors from asking her about the amount.