Bill Bowerman claimed the jump was statistically valid but Spearow's lack of an AAU permit to compete prevented ratification.
The resulting lack of leadership allowed the administration's opponents to prevent ratification of the League of Nations treaty.
Their attempts to prevent ratification ultimately failed by a narrow vote of 30 to 27.
The 'package deal' approach and the prohibition of reservations245 prevents selective ratification of the Convention, but there is no comparable mechanism to limit selective development of customary international law.
Administration officials say the authority is essential because single-issue lobbies can pick apart the accord and can prevent overall ratification if amendments are permitted.
To prevent ratification of new constitutions formed during Reconstruction, the opposition used various means to harass potential voters.
The government hopes the judges will not prevent ratification and will not call for any changes in the treaty.
On each occasion Russian objections prevented ratification of the proposals.
MPs were taken by surprise when Labour managed to secure an emergency debate yesterday on last week's announcement that a defeat on the social chapter would not prevent ratification of the treaty.
But it can prevent ratification of the entire treaty by refusing to pass the bill.