When the deal was first announced, Senator Hollings introduced language for a spending bill in Congress that would have prevented regulators from considering the deal.
Many consumer and environmental advocacy groups would like the Government to buy more safety, not less, arguing that very tight standards prevent regulators from giving in to the relentless pressure from industry.
Those actions prevented regulators from uncovering the poor condition of the original Sunbelt loan on Lake Lewisville.
A bill to protect homeowners by preventing regulators from reclassifying their mortgage if they are current on their payment.
This accusation that Senator Cran ston used his influence to prevent regulators from taking action against Lincoln Savings and Loan is false and irresponsible.
Parochialism is the most charitable explanation for his campaign to prevent regulators from closing bankrupt savings and loans in his home state.
They were able to translate those contributions into actions by politicians that prevented regulators from filing criminal referrals.
After weeks of intense lobbying by the two companies, the lawmakers removed a provision from a spending bill that would have prevented regulators from considering the deal.
Reed helped close a loophole that prevented regulators from overseeing the shadowy over-the-counter derivatives market and bring greater accountability and transparency to this market.
And the courts have prevented regulators from going after charities that spend a high percentage of what they take in on fund-raising.