Unfortunately, preserving the mansard would have prevented adaptive reuse of the structure for the school's program.
At the end of production, the massive sets reproducing ancient Egypt were dismantled and buried on the site to prevent reuse.
Word, Excel or PDF formats may be used, but buyers should ensure that these documents are not encrypted in a way that prevents reuse.
Earlier FoI requests showed that the only restricted series was from Bahrain, and that only prevented commercial reuse.
Permanent: The Sample UHID has sufficient capacity to prevent reuse of identifiers.
Nothing in the arms reduction accords prevents reuse.
To prevent the capture and reuse of the munition by enemy forces.
You will also need to think about how to protect the copyright of your data and prevent illegal distribution or reuse of your digital products.
Both Alice and Bob destroy the key sheet immediately after use, thus preventing reuse and an attack against the cipher.
Server is also allowed to maintain a list of recently issued or used server nonce values to prevent reuse.