He and others involved in trying to save the ship or prevent spillage criticized some of the decisions made by government officials as the incident unfolded.
This is often slowly and carefully sucked out of a shielded container to prevent spillage.
It separates the noise of different musicians, and prevents too much spillage down the microphones.
This will prevent spillage if any gasoline is in the tank.
His hand was shaking too much to lift it to his lips; he had to bend close to the table to prevent spillage.
Always refuel the heater outdoors to prevent spillage on floors and rugs which could later result in fire ignition.
One of its most distinctive features is a middle slice of bread ("club" layer) used to stabilize contents and prevent spillage.
The barkeep will pour your drink to the brim, so do like the locals to prevent spillage: lean over it and sip without lifting.
A folded bath towel under the receiving partner's hips helps prevent spillage on bedclothes.
Erixitl carried the water carefully, balancing the heavy jug to prevent further spillage.