One purpose of the international mission would be to prevent starvation and epidemic among the Hutu refugees.
We'd be engaged in a desperate war with them to prevent massive starvation.
If the supplies could not be flown in fast enough, Soviet help would eventually be needed to prevent starvation.
Buying food locally often provides the greatest chance to prevent starvation.
"The first big humanitarian task may be to prevent starvation in Kabul," a senior official in the office said.
After leaving Congress, Wolf was active in efforts to prevent starvation and malnutrition.
Since when is making an insignificant dent in the pace of climate change more important that preventing starvation?
As a result, the government rushed aid to the camp to prevent starvation.
In order to prevent starvation, hunting and fishing were often necessary.
In 2006, he was pivotal in attracting international attention to the crisis and preventing starvation for large numbers of people.