"Stronger board oversight may have been able to prevent the kind of abuses that went on at Tyco," he said.
A transit police videotape is aimed at preventing the kind of shooting that occurred.
But both also say it's time to start looking in another direction to prevent the kind of family get-together they had last May 24.
Nothing is enough, apparently, to prevent the kind of loneliness we have taught ourselves to feel.
Among his first acts were reforms to prevent the kind of corruption that had previously plagued the agency.
"Just to prevent the wrong kind of guy from getting to run one of our companies someday," he said.
They include changing a valve to prevent the kind of jam that the board said occurred in Pittsburgh.
But this change will prevent the kind of problems we just had; it makes the market cleaner.
The church was simply trying to prevent the kind of social disorder that had led to school shootings and rampant teenage pregnancy, he said.
Let's make sure that we have safeguards in place to prevent the kind of scenarios that I talked about.