There have been well-publicized claims of medical benefits, including that it can be effective in preventing thrombosis, heart attacks, and diabetes.
Post-procedure bleeding was also an issue, due to the intense combination of anticoagulation and anti-platelet agents used to prevent stent thrombosis.
Warfarin is now one of the most widely prescribed medicines in the world, used in vascular and heart disease to prevent stroke and thrombosis.
These insects have been used by practitioners of Eastern Medicine for hundreds of years to prevent blood clot formation or thrombosis.
"This study paves the way for new and more effective medicines to prevent thrombosis."
"The big question," he said, "is can we use this knowledge to prevent thrombosis," life-threatening clots inside blood vessels.
Regular flushing with saline or a heparin-containing solution keeps the line patent and prevents thrombosis.
The resistance of the endothelial cell lining to interactions with platelets and coagulation factors prevents thrombosis in normal circumstances.
This prevents thrombosis of stagnant blood within the ECMO circuit.
Like other low molecular weight heparins, it is used to prevent deep venous thrombosis.