The lack of developed roads prevented wide usage of the wheel for transportation until well into the 20th century in less developed areas.
The space behind the 5.25" bays can be cramped and prevent usage of some of the slots.
Why exactly is increasing the number of words in common usage preventing "good" usage of language?
These changes prevented accidental usage in the latter roles while simplifying production.
Power flow management problems prevented usage of this source under other than emergency conditions.
If you discover an issue that completely prevents usage of this application in IE6, please report it to
SortSite is commercial licensed software which uses serial numbers to prevent unlicensed usage.
There were no "safeguards" required in this deal to prevent usage of the heavy water for non-peaceful purposes.
Their goal was to prevent future usage of the drug that could be of potential harm to mothers and babies.
It is a licensed software product that uses key protection to prevent unlicensed usage.