Small bridges such as the bridge at Ban Dongphayom prevent larger vessels from navigating the canal.
Generally there is heavy traffic on the lake except during the winter months from January through March when ice prevents vessels from traveling safely.
He has said Malaysia is only "preventing foreign vessels from entering our waters" and protecting the rights of Malaysian fishermen.
High river levels can prevent vessels from using this section.
And we must try to get the Court to make some recommendations that will prevent such valuable vessels being lost like this in future.
The bridge's location proved quite controversial as it prevents high-clearance vessels from navigating into the upper part of the harbour.
Their inelasticy prevents bleeding vessels to collapse and retract under the skin to achieve haemostasis.
Mr. Mahathir says that "all we are doing is preventing foreign vessels from entering our waters."
We want to prevent vessels that are no better than rusting hulks from sailing on it. The sea is Galicia's life.
We must prevent vessels from dumping more in future.