It focuses on a holistic, preventative approach to health by introducing clinical applications of Eastern medicine.
This intractability, coupled with the sad fact that obese children commonly grow up to be obese adults, argues for a preventative approach.
The Framework for Intervention is a preventative approach to meet concerns about behaviour in schools and nurseries.
"We take a preventative approach."
Training in interview skills takes a preventative approach to poor standards of interviewing.
Recent experiences have shown the value and effectiveness of a pre-emptive or preventative approach.
By doing so, it underlined once again the importance of a preventative approach to these phenomena.
This is the key point Mr van Velzen has been making - that we have to have a preventative approach.
It is worth noting that the preventative approach was endorsed during the public consultation on the strategy, with enforcement seen as the last resort.
The issue is trying to manage these problems with a preventative approach, trying to prevent heart attack, trying to prevent stroke.