Each county now has a Youth Services Commission to create preventative programs for juvenile delinquency.
The program placed officers into middle and high school level institutes to handle problems that occur and present preventative programs to the students and faculty.
These preventative programs could end up enlisting millions of insurance agents as sources of information as well.
SERNAM is responsible for developing preventative and remedial programs.
There are several preventative programs which have had a positive effect on those who are at high risk for ODD.
"This is a long-term preventative program," he said.
In addition, the law provides funding for preventative programs for alcohol and substance abuse treatments and programs for at-risk youth.
The preventative anti-bullying program has now been implemented in more than 1,000 preschools and 370 schools throughout Denmark.
We are implementing short- and long-term preventative programs to further minimize the risk of a tragedy like this ever happening again.
An emergency resolution was passed which urged the government to target criminal justice resources into preventative programmes rather than just extending custody for young offenders.