Drug, dental and vision plans, and preventive benefits, were introduced.
These preventive benefits represent a major new emphasis for Medicare.
His bill to expand Medicare to include preventive benefits such as colorectal, prostate, mammogram, and osteoporosis screening was also enacted.
To the Editor: Your April 14 Science Times article on the dilemma faced by women considering taking tamoxifen places far too much emphasis on the drug's possible preventive benefit.
The law gives seniors new preventive benefits, prescription drug discounts and more options for long-term care.
Adult preventive benefits phased in by 2000.
If you get additional tests or services during the same visit that aren't covered under these preventive benefits, you may have to pay coinsurance, and the Part B deductible may apply.
Although a major medical health insurance policy is primarily a catastrophic plan, qualified preventive benefits are still covered at 100% without any waiting period or copay.
Typically, these dental plans offer comprehensive preventive benefits.
Under the president's proposal, people who join a private plan would receive extra preventive benefits, including coverage of cancer screenings with no co-payments or deductibles.