In firewall technology, dual-homed is one of the firewall architectures for implementing preventive security.
Bomb supplies and disguises for suicide bombers were found in the headquarters of the Palestinian office of preventive security, they said.
And Muhammad Dahlan, the Palestinian chief of preventive security, complained about what he called the army's new liquidation policy.
It has a responsibility to provide best requirements of curative and health preventive security to all individuals of society.
Three people from that village who work in Hebron were arrested by Rajoub's preventive security and they were tortured.
Soon the Israelis come with bulldozers and destroy the houses of the three men arrested by preventive security.
"It is clear that there is a decision to continue the killings," said Muhammad Dahlan, the Palestinian chief of preventive security.
'We are moved solely by considerations of preventive security.'
Muhammad Dahlan, the Palestinian chief of preventive security, said he would boycott tonight's meeting because of last week's incident.
The incident was a chilling reminder that all the preventive security in the world can't protect you.