This understanding, in turn, has led to the development of preventive techniques and treatments that can attack every stage of the disease process.
The risk of contracting AIDS is high throughout Central Asia partly because deeply rooted attitudes prevent appropriate education and preventive techniques, said Dr. Gourevich.
Students are introduced to clinical practice on a limited basis during the first year through clinical sessions concerned with screening for oral diseases, preventive techniques, and prophylaxis.
PID focuses on preventive techniques (regular physicals and eye exams, vitamins, oral hygiene, tracking proper growth in children, nutritional therapy, health education, etc.).
Despite that concern, by not including women in studies that examine the efficacy of new treatments or preventive techniques, one leaves a huge area of women's health unexplored.
Because of the ineffectiveness of some preventive techniques, advocates push for alternative forms of rehabilitation for drug offenders to keep these potentially infected people outside of the prison system.
The preventive techniques were effective for all groups, the researchers said.
The most basic preventive techniques - storing food properly and sealing cracks - can be used by anyone who has mastered the intricacies of the Ziploc bag or the caulking gun.
Most patients do appreciate early diagnosis of periodontal disease and the simple preventive techniques which can help maintain their teeth.
Some people have their own preventive techniques.