The preview party on Thursday evening from 6 to 9 p.m. costs $175 and up.
Last year, the preview parties raised more than $800,000 for the settlement.
Tickets, $150 for preview party and $75 more for dinner, from 212-874-4098.
Admission to the preview party is a $25 donation.
Tickets for both programs and the preview party must be purchased in advance.
"Ours is a preview party of the entire center," he said.
A preview party will take place tonight at 6 for a show featuring 20th-century antiques.
Then, too, there is the preview party, priced from $100 to $500 a head with 350 to 400 expected to attend.
On Thursday night, before the show opens to the public, we have a preview party and that's our big fund-raiser.
To reserve tickets for the preview party or obtain more information, call (203) 259-1598.