But on each woman's list was one young man who could not be found, a sexual partner from the previous fall or winter.
She hadn't heard from him since the previous fall, but it wasn't like Jerry to give up easily.
It was the previous fall and the circumstances couldn't have been any worse for either of us.
The previous largest fall was in April 1978, when the underlying level fell $2.115 billion.
He remembered now, vaguely, about the little kid who had been killed the previous fall.
For no reason then apparent, I had developed an unusual habit the previous fall.
Some industry experts link it to the stock market crash the previous fall.
This was up 21% from the previous fall's debut and topped all of cable during its time period.
At best, your first day of sailing this summer will feel like your last one the previous fall.
Also in February, the band went back into the studio to finish up the recordings they started the previous fall.