The new Pew team leaders are widely recognized for previous accomplishments.
They are not terrified by the significance of an event, or the presence and previous accomplishments of other players, especially the older, established ones.
The two leading actors exceeded even their own high level of previous accomplishment.
All these factors threaten to overwhelm previous accomplishments, including a decline in inflation and a return to economic growth last year.
He has also become much more egotistical from his previous accomplishments, though still displays a sharp wit and clever thinking.
Some of their previous accomplishments were 11th place in 2010 and 9th in 2009.
On a questionnaire, she wrote that her greatest previous accomplishment in triathlon was "finishing without pain."
But Ms Fields was not alone in overstating her previous accomplishments.
"Who could reasonably say that they'd want to die and give up hope of ever surpassing their previous accomplishments?"
Some say judges cannot help but be influenced by previous accomplishments.