Ezrin worked on the various drum sounds, and previous collaborator and orchestral composer Michael Kamen provided the album's string arrangements.
Miguel also worked with previous collaborators Salaam Remi and Nathan "Happy" Perez, among other producers.
(1973) Written by Polanski and previous collaborator Gérard Brach, What?
The conductor for the show was Fiachra Trench, a previous collaborator.
Lorenzo Pilat is an Italian composer and singer, as well as previous collaborator with Tom Jones.
After Le Corbusier fired all his previous collaborators, Jullian was his only employee for six months, until others started to arrive there.
A previous collaborator with Grant and Naylor, Chris had worked on their radio show Son of Cliché.
This interpretation of "Wishing on a Star" was produced by previous collaborator, Trevor Horn.
Three previous collaborators were reunited with Ai for individual songs.
While he was in Naach Ghar, he lost many of his friends or abandoned many of his previous collaborators.