Over all, more than one in 20 sexually active students reported at least one previous diagnosis of a disease transmitted through sexual activity.
About 70% of the women had pelvic prolapse, based on a previous diagnosis or their self-reported symptoms.
About 25 percent of those deaths occur among people who had no previous diagnosis of heart problems, he added.
The psychiatric history frequently contains multiple previous diagnoses of various disorders and treatment failures.
Some object to the fact that most previous diagnoses were included without question.
The remaining 73 patients were enrolled in the pulmonary or medical clinics and had a previous diagnosis of asthma.
None of the subjects had reported a previous diagnosis of postpartum depression.
The researchers asked parents questions about possible asthma symptoms or a previous diagnosis, and gave a physical examination to any child who appeared to have the disease.
The third main form, gestational diabetes occurs when pregnant women without a previous diagnosis of diabetes develop a high blood glucose level.
Of these, 10,500 individuals had no previous diagnosis of HIV.