"It's a reasonable assumption, given their previous interest in the helmet."
Many of the new to nature photography I have helped over the internet, have not had a previous interest in the natural world.
It was a strange question coming from a man who had shown no previous interest in the bone-and-moan industry.
Cleveland and Louisville had also expressed previous interest but were not represented.
And with a previous interest in Wulfgar, as you just said.
In keeping with Jack's previous interests, she is a beautiful, mysterious and other-worldly woman.
A sizable proportion of those filling the stands are women who had no previous interest in spectator sports.
Though he had no previous interest in jazz, the young Laubich was smitten.
People with no previous interest in environmental issues or other civic affairs are often the leaders of these grass-roots efforts.
While continuing this focus, he revived his previous interest in portraiture.