The previous interpretation of section 2(d) which only protected individuals, said Bastarache, was insufficient.
But thrilling because they turned all previous interpretations upside down.
However, a 2012 study re-examined the mouthparts of these two genera, and identified problems with previous interpretations.
Further, when interpreting a statute it is necessary to examine previous judicial interpretations.
The rulings have relaxed technical rules laid down in the Court's previous interpretations of the Constitution.
Two weeks later they revised their previous interpretation, saying those planar elements are Boehm lamellae instead.
They are therefore presented in the context of previous interpretations and stand as evaluations of past work.
The valley infills are not genetically related to underlying depositional systems as previous interpretations thought.
We will accept the previous interpretation for leasing arrangements entered into:
Their views are based on her previous interpretation of the law and what is publicly known about the phone calls.