This one did not link service with college financial aid, a provision that had doomed previous measures.
The bill appears to have gained more support than previous measures, defeated in Congress every year since 1989.
The previous measure balanced the amount of tax cuts exactly against the revenue from the new sales tax.
Like the two previous measures easily passed by the Republican-controlled House, the bill is expected to win approval.
A previous measure to pay the mayor and council salaries of $50 a month failed to pass on a 3-3 vote.
C varies from zero to one and is less dependent on cluster size, unlike the previous measure.
Some participants at the meeting, said that the new forms of aid would be more obvious to the Russian citizens than previous measures.
The bill essentially continues a previous measure that paid for the government's work until Feb. 15.
Have the previous measures allowed them to get off too lightly?
Amendment No 6, like all other previous measures of this kind, will be included in the detailed implementation regulations.