She had a previous miscarriage so the thought of a second one burdened Roger until his son was born healthy in August.
Although pregnant and confined to bed in the wake of two previous miscarriages, she attended Kopechne's funeral.
Though confined to bed due to two previous miscarriages, she attended the funeral of Kopechne and stood beside her husband in court three days later.
He was a change-of-life baby (his mother had nine previous miscarriages) raised in an Old World Romanian household.
She had eight previous miscarriages before giving birth to Haile Selassie.
For women who've had previous miscarriages, abortions or stillbirths, anxiety can be particularly acute.
It also details the heartbreak the couple suffered over a previous miscarriage.
I recently saw someone who had three previous miscarriages.
Now, in addition to her previous miscarriages, Lana was worried about her age and the possibility of the foetus having Down's syndrome.
If, for example, you know a previous miscarriage was due to an autoimmune response or a hormonal imbalance, seek treatment for this underlying condition.