Unlike most previous popular protests, the 1980 strikes were nonviolent; the strikers did not take to the streets, but stayed in their factories.
Security forces were not present and unlike previous protests, it ended peacefully.
Although the violence was not on the scale of the previous protest there were still 32 arrests with 17 people injured.
And while this was the first rally held during the week, it lacked the size or intensity of previous protests.
He says the numbers protesting are very significant - previous protests have seen fewer than 5,000 on the streets.
Unlike previous protests, the police were not present to confront the marchers, and the march went peacefully.
The unions were much more peaceful than in their previous protest in January.
However, the students were notably absent from the crowd, having been sanctioned for their participation in the previous protests.
This action followed previous protests in the state in opposition to neoliberal economic policies.
Unlike previous protests, there was no large scale police crackdown.