Problems often become evident after the previous resident and builder of the addition moves away.
Nothing is known about the previous residents that I'm aware of.
Things left behind by previous residents, she decided.
Not much is known about the previous indigenous residents.
One man who showed up today, a previous resident, was told to return with proof he had completed a drug-treatment program.
Programs from the original Roxy, left behind in the house by previous residents, are framed on the wall.
The villagers and the previous residents of the house hope that she will rescue them.
The previous resident in this apartment had left behind a white Mercedes 280 for them, which was indeed a nice car.
The civilian population has since left the island however, with many previous residents moving to nearby Cobh.
It was developed in the second half of the 20th century as a white community, with the previous black residents being expelled to Katutura.