Jordanes reports the number of dead from this battle as 165,000, excluding the casualties of the Franko-Gepid skirmish previous to the main battle.
At last, Baquedano's plan prevailed, nevertheless a previous skirmish at Ate confirmed that Vergara's plan was possible.
He was finding that oddly agreeable because in spite of previous unpleasant skirmishes with her, her frank arrogance had always engaged him.
Supplies of crucial spare parts, and layers of systems redundancy, were severely depleted in the previous skirmish.
He had apparently been killed during a previous skirmish with militiamen, but his remains were not found until they were in an advanced state of decomposition.
Many wore bloody bandages over wounds sustained in previous skirmishes with the pirates.
Humayun's victory was harder fought than the previous skirmishes, but it was still a decisive victory.
Even now, only a few yards away, the black-eyed victor of the previous skirmish was glaring at Riker with obvious animosity.
And much to their surprise, the accounting establishment is putting up less of a fight than previous skirmishes over the same issue.
The letter was not the first instance of Treasury officials' going on record about the enterprises, although its tone and content was milder than previous skirmishes.