The scalar (Cesium vapor) and vector (fluxgate) magnetometers gave Magsat a capability beyond that of any previous spacecraft.
The winged shuttle had much more surface area than previous spacecraft, so a lightweight TPS was crucial.
Several previous spacecraft have included time capsules for humans (or aliens) in the far future.
A few longer-lasting gamma ray bursts, the more common type, have been observed in some detail by previous spacecraft.
Three previous spacecraft have flown through the region without harm.
Its mission is to study Jupiter and its moons in more detail than any previous spacecraft.
It had a greater mass than that of any previous spacecraft.
Much more advanced computers than on previous manned spacecraft.
Its spectrograph, which breaks down light like a prism, is at least 100 times more powerful than such instruments on previous spacecraft.
No previous spacecraft visiting Saturn had been in the proper position to make such a discovery.