Johannes broke with previous tradition in denying the right of a man-at-arms to assume a coat of arms.
However, Elgar's style was not strongly linked with previous English musical traditions.
The 3 Houses are all of which named after mountains to go with the school's previous tradition.
Both were based on the previous Spanish oral tradition.
He came from a farming family that had no previous hurling tradition.
In the earlier works attributed to Amasis, the previous artistic tradition is evident, employing excessively long figures with small heads and angular movements.
As vehicles more than doubled in recent years, traffic fatalities have increased especially in a country with no previous driving tradition like in Albania.
Holidays and commemorations not derived from previous Jewish tradition were to be fixed according to the Hebrew calendar date.
Smith broke with the previous tradition (established since Kirtland) of building temples with upper and lower courts.
Gadamer (1975) further developed this concept, leading to what is recognized as a break with previous hermeneutic traditions.