If a single firm does not have the capacity to supply the whole market then the "price equals marginal cost" result may not hold.
That price equaled 17 times the unit's earnings.
Over the long term, the price would equal the cost to the highest-cost producer able to find a market for its crude.
What if price equals minimum average variable cost?
At maturity the price of a debt instrument in good standing should equal its par (or face value).
The price for the system, which has about 525,000 subscribers, equals about $2,500 a subscriber, higher than most recent deals.
The word "value" includes the expectation that the price should equal the material value.
The price of solar is dropping quickly and will likely equal the costs of fossil fuels in about 5 years.
It is true that by coincidence, the price equals the cost in some marginal producing fields, wherever they may be.
It has since split 2-for-1, so the current price of $41.50 equals $83 on the old shares.