The software costs $30 and the cable costs $60, making this a pricey though tempting option.
Industry critics say stability systems ought to be available on more vehicles, and not just as pricey options.
Though our test V6 Jag started $7000 below a V8 model, a few pricey options quickly raised the sticker price to more than $53,000.
They considered renovating to make separate rooms - a pricey option that would displace them for months.
While the RX330 has a reasonable base price of $35,650, don't expect to find one without pricey options.
With the 3G option, you'll have the easy but pricey option of using roaming data.
Trim was also of the blackout variety, and there were the forged alloy wheels that the factory offers as another pricey option at $625.
Cars with semiautomatics were attempted by various manufacturers in the 30's, but Detroit's first successful automatic transmission appeared as a pricey $100 option on the 1940 Oldsmobile.
Horrendously pricey options list.
And with the weekend crowds there remain some pricey options.