Under the new policy, priests accused of abuse would be judged by church tribunals.
She wants to track the history of every priest accused of sexual misconduct.
For weeks now, across the country, church leaders have been acknowledging their failure to take action against priests accused of sexually molesting children.
He was slow to prosecute priests accused of sexually molesting children.
The number of priests accused of abuse declined sharply by the 1990's.
In most cases, the identities of priests accused of abuse are never made public, according to interviews with lawyers.
The cases of priests accused of true and proper paedophilia have been about 300 in nine years.
Article 17 gave the Latvian authorities the freedom to prosecute priests accused of crimes.
The ruling was a victory for plaintiffs suing the church over a priest accused of child molestation.
The minutes indicated that priests accused of abuse might ultimately reveal the outcomes of their cases themselves.