This fear of the unknown explains why the high priest would head to the Ésagila every day asking for Marduk's forgiveness, begging him to protect Babylon, his holy city.
The priests headed the assassins, and more than four hundred Frenchmen were thus sacrificed.
The priest heads over to the boy but Hans runs away.
The evil priest grabbed Ivan's axe in his one working arm and headed Cadderly's way.
Suddenly a priest turned the corner and headed toward the two men.
Another speaker, Mayor David N. Dinkins, noted that some people had questioned whether a Jesuit priest could head such a venerable institution of free thought.
The priest headed east on Salisbury Road until he reached the Peninsula Hotel, whose subdued elegance was losing the battle with its surroundings.
The priest headed to Whitchurch after leaving the Aspley manor, a market town of Shropshire, about 20 to 25 miles on modern roads from Shrewsbury.
Indeed, while the priest and his entourage were heading for their car, he was noticed by the oncoming police guards.
Returning to the night sky, the priest headed east where a Vagrian army was waiting on the borders of Lentria.