To me, games are a primal form of community building, and now we have to understand how they are being mediated by technology.
The Molle people were hunter-gatherers, although they also practiced some primal forms of agriculture.
Staring at death in its most hideous and primal form, her life memories assaulted her.
Who would have thought that the dark and primal Butoh form of Japanese theater and dance could be so much fun?
Lulu herself is described as "the true animal, the wild, beautiful animal" and the "primal form of woman".
The body, whether male or female, reverted to a primal female form as well.
Like Kahn's own architecture, there is a sense of primal form here, turned into richness.
The proximity turned the abstraction into a primal form of theatre.
And yet, to have a Thread impotent, at their disposal, locked in a primal form, would be subtly gratifying.
You will now experience directly the revelation of primal forms.