Whitley's style was rooted primarily in the blues but drew on an array of influences.
His guitar work was primarily rooted in funk and hard rock, although he often experimented with other genres including reggae and speed metal.
It uses the homiletic principles of education with entertainment (Horace's utile et dulce) and is primarily rooted in Biblical stories.
Musically, psychobilly is rooted primarily in two genres: late 1970s punk rock and 1950s American rockabilly.
It is primarily rooted in epic poetry with emphasis on important historical or patriotic events.
By the time of the meeting, the Senate opposition was primarily rooted in Protestant objections, rather than cost.
The belief system is primarily rooted in the writings of John Nelson Darby and premillenial in content.
My suggestion on how to respond to Admiral Hayes's orders was rooted primarily in emotion.
Its economy is rooted primarily in the service sector (1,590 businesses).
Rather, for the general masses, identity was rooted primarily with one's own clan, village and region.