'This is some of the primary documentation you received from us in its original format,' said Bryant, steering the control mouse with one casual hand.
Healy's work, which is based on primary documentation, examines the life narrative, artistic career and oeuvre of the artist.
However, primary historic documentation establishes that Dunkerhook was populated not by slaves, but rather primarily by free African Americans.
These drawings, prints and paintings serve as both historical record and primary documentation of the American experience of war in the 20th century.
This latter claim of Knox descent though ancient in origin is long disputed and without primary documentation.
No primary documentation, aside from Witkowski's account, exists for the weapon.
Film has also been incorporated into multimedia presentations, and often has importance as primary historical documentation.
The interrogation and its contents have no primary documentation aside from Witkowski.
In the end, the precise location of Lothropp's imprisonment is not confirmable from primary documentation.
Whether such evidence will be accepted depends upon the nature of the submission and the presence of other primary documentation.