In addition to these two sources of primary funding, political parties and candidates receive significant additional public funding at election times that is based on what they have spent.
To this day, primary funding for the college comes from an annuity from the Jedson Foundation, although other sources of income are existent.
The Centre was founded in 1966 and received its primary funding from the Wellcome Trust until 2012.
The Fridley Liquor store proceeds were the primary funding for the daily city operations until the lawsuit was resolved in 1950.
The club was officially established in 1953, with primary funding from Malang's municipal budget.
We're a nonprofit organization, and our primary funding is through Medicaid.
Financial support for COL's core operations is provided by Commonwealth governments on a voluntary basis, with primary funding renewed every three years.
Secondly, Caijing's primary funding adds to its success.
The motor vehicle tax has since its enactment been the primary funding mechanize used for the construction and maintenance of State roads and bridges.
It receives its primary funding from the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK.