But his primary preoccupations, he says, are his four sons (from two marriages), his grandchildren and his work.
As for The Observer, two of its primary preoccupations - politics and commercial real estate - intersect precisely with the family's enthusiasms.
More significant, class is replacing race as the primary political preoccupation of the predominately Mexican-American cities of the Southwest.
Mr. Flesher's primary preoccupation, his search for a permanent job, just ended.
While Huon introduces courtly figures into the conventional battle of Vices and Virtues, love is not the poem's primary preoccupation.
The Popovs' primary preoccupation was money.
Death is a primary preoccupation of the novel.
The exhibition is arranged roughly chronologically, with broad groupings that correspond to Winogrand's primary preoccupations.
Still, long before students start thinking about style, their primary preoccupation is to pass the annual competition and graduate to the next "division," as each level is called here.
It was not the primary preoccupation of life; the family was.