Republican senators said they devised this because they wanted to let states continue as the primary regulators of health insurance.
The Fed is the primary regulator of bank holding companies and must approve all significant changes in their operations.
The proposal poses a policy problem for the Federal Reserve, which is the primary regulator of bank holding companies.
Ordinary members, which must be the primary regulators of securities and or futures markets in a jurisdiction.
The board serves as primary regulator of the nation's largest bank-holding companies.
These operations are overseen by the primary regulator of the bank or savings unit.
The department is the primary federal regulator of genetically engineered crops.
The states have been the primary regulators for more than 150 years.
When the number drops below 6%, the primary regulator can change management and force the bank to take other corrective action.
The Fed has rejected the idea that it become the primary regulator.