Through his public speaking, lectures and extensive interviews, he serves as the primary spokesperson for the group.
He returned to more turmoil among his colleagues, with new factions competing to take on Stieglitz as the primary spokesperson for photography in America.
Michel Prairie is the group's general secretary and primary spokesperson.
The party is led by its elected National Chairman and primary theoretical spokesperson, Bob Avakian.
He was primary spokesperson and legislative representative for the 146,000 member organization and its auxiliary.
While holding this position he continued to be the association's primary spokesperson on legislative matters.
Barkley acted as the administration's primary spokesperson, making 40 major speeches in his first eight months in office.
As the healthiest of the bunch, the squatty, garrulous female had become the Monorhans' primary spokesperson.
Opinsky was responsible for the campaign's media communication and was the primary spokesperson from the campaign's inception to its final day.
In 2006, during the textbook controversy, graduate student Anupama Mandavilli was a primary spokesperson.