We've always thought in terms of space as the primary vector and worried about what happened to time as we did so.
When the primary vector is humans, as opposed to birds, this is of great importance.
Further, a study over several years in Japan showed that immunizing children against the flu protected older people because children were the primary vectors of the disease.
The primary vector for T. parva is Rhipicephalus appendiculatus.
The primary vectors for disease transmission to humans are various species of mosquito.
Its primary vector is known to be "Pediculus humanus" variety corporis, also known as the human body louse.
In that same year, Anopheles barbirostris was shown to be its primary vector.
It is a primary vector of plant viruses.
The primary vectors are ticks and deer flies, but the disease can also be spread through other arthropods.
The primary vector for transmission is the Ornithodoros erraticus tick, and thus it is an arbovirus.