Such specific issues are not always the prime influence on political views, white or black.
Though Gujaratis have a prime influence in the area.
Fisher is keenly interested in the neuroses of primitive man as the prime influence of human psychology.
With a membership of 400 property owners, 5,000 businesses and 8,000 residents, the business improvement district has been a prime influence on Times Square's evolution.
Some even argue that she was the prime influence on Sartre.
He has been a prime influence in defining 'language ideologies' as a field of study.
The G2 was a prime influence on the decision for Chevrolet to develop the Corvette.
John Caputo's work is one of the prime influences in the style and direction of the book.
Steel, oil & gas, chemical and energy are sectors of the group's prime influence and expertise.
Clinicians have been accustomed to having the prime influence over the deployment of resources and to enjoying considerable freedom to pursue their professional activities.