He headed the committee pf health, labor and welfare in the lower house during the prime ministry of Taro Aso.
The recent rise in inflation has been found to consist of several political and economic crisis under the prime ministry of Dr Manmohan Singh.
He was determined never to allow this to happen under his prime ministry.
He was a perennial candidate for Lebanon's prime ministry since 2000, finally taking the office upon the resignation of Omar Karami on 13 April 2005.
During this period, he was seen as young leader groomed for the future prime ministry.
There was a time when Barak might have claimed the prime ministry virtually as his birthright, as the flower of the founding Zionist elite.
These inconsistencies were one of the main topics on which his confirmation hearing for the prime ministry focused.
He was a member of the Pacific Casino Hotel group that elevated Danny Philip to the prime ministry.
He served as an engineer at the ministry of irrigation from 1980 to 1983 and at the prime ministry for energy affairs from 1983 to 1984.
He was a reformist politician and process of westernization took place in Ottoman government in his period of prime ministry.