He considered her sensible in every way-a prime prospect for marriage were it not for the unfortunate fact that they ran on different time rates.
Officials on several teams confirmed that Chiriaev was a prime prospect, but he is not without question marks.
They locate a prime prospect outside the town of Deep Wells.
After being taken in the fourth round of the 1986 draft, the 6-foot-3-inch Janssens has developed a reputation as a prime prospect.
This man was certainly, to Jolie's way of thinking, a prime prospect!
What our prime prospects are buying and want.
Schiano, meanwhile, said he was chasing several prime prospects.
It is not only the jobless who are not prime prospects to buy the big-ticket items and power the economy by consumer spending.
He was a prime prospect for one of the million-dollar establishments.
The industry already has a label for people who have not yet moved into the fast lane: prime prospects.