In 1908, an Order in Council made the Lord-Lieutenant the Sovereign's prime representative in a county and reduced the Sheriff's precedence.
During negotiations with Poland, De la Gardie was the prime Swedish representative.
A prime representative of this humanist stream in Kabbalah was Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh, who explicitly praised Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, as well as a whole range of ancient pagan mystical systems.
He was a prime representative of the socially-progressive "Rockefeller Republican" wing of American Republicanism.
The president is the prime representative of the student body, and is expected to represent students both within the college and in the National Union of Students.
Lorentz is considered one of the prime representatives of the "Second Dutch Golden Age", a period of several decades surrounding 1900 in which in the natural sciences in the Netherlands flourished.
Ms. Taylor, who runs a private elementary school in Harlem, said Ms. Messinger had no business trying to win support in Harlem without first acknowledging the New Alliance Party as a prime representative of black and Hispanic people.
Cologne, Germany, remains a hotbed of activity in early music, and this group of six players, founded in 1979, is one of its prime representatives.
First and foremost, however, we need to establish a real dialogue with the parliaments: Mr Barón Crespo is right to say that parliaments are, after all, the prime representatives of public opinion; that is obviously true.
We have already told you what these reasons are: they are called war, which you have supported, and policies, of which you are a prime representative.