Many tales are spread of the Oraycha, the primeval monsters of whom the octopus and squid are only puny descendants.
In his own words, which are read aloud on the CD, he faced "a primeval monster, in a primeval setting black as dead lava."
It was almost a small mountain set in the sands, giving the impression of some vast primeval monster squatting upon the shore with its back to the sea.
They roared up the hill at us like primeval monsters," Webster wrote in his diary, "stopped, turned, and passed broadside.
She was challenging the shadows of shadows, challenging the shadows of primeval monsters half-glimpsed in nightmare.
Beyond it, great ghostly U-shaped ribs loomed up like the bones of some primeval monster.
The head of Snakefish appeared, dripping like some primeval monster from the abyss, slitted eyes and white rows of teeth confronting the terrified assembly.
The primeval monster roared again, sounding furious and very, very hungry.
If this be so, what could be a more fitting subject than primeval monsters whose strength was such as to allow a survival of thousands of years?
A primeval monster twenty feet long.