They constructed five primitive boats to use in search of Mexico.
One round skimmed past the Executioner's knee, slashing through the hide at the top of the primitive boat.
The people went on foot or used primitive boats along the coastline.
Their means of transport was primitive boats or troops of donkeys.
This means that even primitive boats, inefficient in design and fragile in structure, can float on the Nile without trouble.
The gufas were sliding past him on both sides and he could see the strange-looking Jews in their primitive boats.
The earliest evidence of occupation of the site came from the discovery of primitive boats at Egerton Park.
They came to the place by prodigious voyages using only the primitive boat called "velus".
Another route proposed is that, either on foot or using primitive boats, they migrated down the Pacific coast to South America.
Therefore this was a possible (even probable) location for which Australia's first immigrants could arrive via some primitive boat.