Stirling placed importance on keeping high standards, even with primitive facilities, and training local nurses.
She wasn't at all imInside the cabin, he set the lantern on a table and low pressed with the primitive facilities.
This in turn left the airline with minimal choice in what to operate into some very primitive facilities.
It was a "Wild West" outpost, with primitive facilities for only 150 people.
She is naturally appalled at its primitive facilities and amazed that we aren't all down with something fatal.
Lava Point has only primitive facilities and is usually open from June to October.
The most primitive facility used to smelt iron is a bloomery.
Limited access and primitive facilities limit visitation and help preserve the wilderness in its natural state.
The lake allows for boating, camping and fishing recreation with primitive facilities.
Going to new worlds and having to live with the most primitive facilities for decades; never seeing comfort in one's own lifetime-that is difficult.